How to choose the right rating dress

Ranked dress: how to pick the right color

Are you familiar with the exhilarating feeling that comes after grueling workouts that have brought great results? Do you feel that in a couple of moments, and the entire dance floor will be closely watching only your couple and graceful movements? Well, success is almost in your pocket. But do not forget about one important nuance - the color scheme of the partner's dress.

A holistic idea of the partners' performance is formed already at the stage of their visual inspection: the harmony of colors, the saturation of colors, and the general style set the tone for the whole dance. When choosing the color of a rating dress, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the relevance of colors in the palette of the current dance season;
  • features of the partner: color type, figure, posture;
  • lighting features of the dance floor and the color of the parquet.

The main criterion remains the established rules of dance costumes. Nowadays, juniors are prohibited from using decor, sparkles, and stones. For adult dancers, the decor is acceptable, but the outfit should be of the same color or combine two similar shades.

Remember the brighter, the NOT better. Choosing an outfit in a bright or acid color, you can get lost in it yourself or cause hostility from the jury. This does not apply to the red color - it is universal and traditionally takes the lead on world dance floors. So that your partner does not lose you among the many “fire” dancers, add a “zest” to yourself: an accessory, an unusual shade, an original shelter.

A rating dress should be strict in design because its color is your main goal. Throw away the "dirty" shades, sandy, delicate, and too delicate at once! Everything else is the field of your imagination and scrupulous selection.

Experiment, consult with a stylist, and read our blog - and you are the star of the dance floor!